Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dental Veneers

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Dental veneers, or porcelain veneers, improve the look of your teeth. They resemble the color, shape, and texture of real teeth. When they are side by side with the rest of your teeth, people will not see any real difference.

Dental veneers are often made of resin or porcelain. While resin veneers may be more affordable for the regular patient, porcelain ones look better because they reflect light. Porcelain veneers mimic the look of real human teeth.

Dentists recommend dental veneers to patients depending on the condition of their teeth. Such conditions include teeth that are worn down or rotten, misshaped teeth, gaps between teeth, and stained teeth. Unfortunately, resin fillings may discolor teeth over time. This prompts dentists to suggest dental veneers instead.

Are Dental Veneers Always the Best Option?

Dental veneers are good if you want to have natural-looking teeth without worrying that they will be stained as soon as you drink coffee or tea. Veneers also make dark-colored teeth whiter. This implies you do not have to replace all your discolored teeth with dental veneers. Just reserve veneers for yellowish teeth.

Unlike crowns, dental veneers do not require extensive (and expensive!) shaping of teeth. Nevertheless, they are durable. It will take years before they could chip or crack. Gum tissues also hold porcelain dental veneers very well, so you can be sure they will not fall off.

On the other hand, opting for dental veneers also has a few disadvantages. Although veneers may mimic the color of your teeth, they may not exactly match their original color. This is where dentists, or at least those with a discerning eye, can tell whether or not your tooth is real.

Once in place, dentists cannot change the color of your teeth. Dentists usually suggest that you have your teeth cleaned and bleached first before they bond the veneers with them.

Damage to veneers cannot be repaired or reversed as well. Once they have cracked or chipped off, you will have to replace them with another set of dental veneers. Being extra careful with what and how you eat helps preserve your veneers. Avoid biting hard objects or chewing your nails.

Veneers also make your teeth more sensitive to cold and hot beverages. This is because the enamel that serves as protection for your teeth has been removed.

Patients also wrongly think that veneers will not decay. Compared to real teeth, they will not decay that fast, but they still will in time. When they decay also depends on how you take care of your teeth (i.e. brushing regularly). Patients who also have a history of gingivitis are discouraged from getting dental veneers.

Although dental veneers are one of the top choices for replacing decaying and discolored teeth, nothing beats good oral hygiene for taking care of your teeth.