Could You Be Suffering From Dentin Hypersensitivity?

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You are taking that first sip of hot coffee in the morning when you feel a sudden, piercing pain in your mouth. You think its a cavity, but then you experience it again later on when you take a sip from an ice cold beverage. If you touch the area where the pain is you can feel that pain grow worse. In situations like this, its not a cavity that is your problem it is most likely dentin hypersensitivity. This type of condition is, fortunately, one that is self-diagnosable if you observe these guidelines. If you experience serious sensitivity to hot or cold beverages or foods and you find that the pain gets worse if you touch the site of it in your mouth, you will want to see your dentist right away.

This type of pain is often caused when your gums begin to recede but other causes exist. When you talk to your dentist about it, he or she will not need to get any lab tests done to diagnose the condition formally. When your diagnosis is officially dentin hypersensitivity you will be prescribed a regimen for treatment which might include getting fillings, using desensitizing agents or sealants. The course of treatment will last a few weeks. After this time, you should be able to enjoy going back to the foods and beverages that you enjoy without any discomfort.

What Causes Hypersensitivity may be linked to different factors. There are several causes of this condition. The most common is brushing your teeth too hard. When you do this, you wear down the enamel and cause the dentin to become exposed. Another cause of this condition is eating or drinking too many acidic foods or beverages. Orange juice, strawberries, and lemons can all wear the enamel down if they are consumed regularly. Finally, another common cause is stomach acid or acid reflux. Gum disease may also contribute to dentin hypersensitivity.

The best ways to avoid going through this condition are to avoid brushing your teeth too hard. Switch to a soft-bristled brush if you have been using one that is medium or hard. You dont have to avoid acidic foods or beverages altogether. You should enjoy them moderately and when you do consume them, be sure to follow up by rinsing your mouth with water or by brushing your teeth immediately afterward. Be sure to floss your teeth regularly as well to keep your gums healthy. By keeping the above mentioned points in mind you can help avoid or head off a potentially painful condition. A healthy mouth is a very important component of overall health and everything possible should be done to keep it that way. Good oral hygiene as well as regular visits to your dentist are a must.